•Do you or does someone you love suffer with PTS (Post Traumatic Stress), TBI (traumatic brain injury) or both? Have they suffered a stroke?
•Are you or someone you know affected by Autism,
ADD/ADHD, Down Syndrome, Dyslexia or other Learning
•Do you live with someone who is struggling with
stuttering or who cannot express what they want to say
because they've suffered a stroke or had a traumatic
brain injury?
•Have you or has someone you love been diagnosed
with Multiple Sclerosis or Parkinson's Disease?
•Do you have trouble taking tests, even when you know
the material? Do you spend hours on homework but
can't get good grades? Can you read but can't answer
questions about what you read?
•Does your accented speech keep you from reaching
the professional goals you've set for yourself?
No matter what the diagnosis or label given, it is possible to change the brain.